Launch your coaching business with us to get 20 high-paid clients and generate over $ 100,000 with zero tech pain or dancing on TikTok
Book a Growth Session
Make $100,000
in the next 90 Days
Launch your coaching business with us to get 20 high-paid clients and generate over $ 100,000 with zero tech pain or dancing on TikTok
Book a Growth Session
Make $100,000
in the next 90 Days
Launch your coaching business with us to get 20 high-paid clients and generate over $ 100,000 with zero tech pain or dancing on TikTok
Book a Growth Session
Make $100,000
in the next 90 Days
Launch your coaching business with us to get 20 high-paid clients and generate over $ 100,000 with zero tech pain or dancing on TikTok
Book a Growth Session
Make $100,000
in the next 90 Days
Most likely, you tried to launch your coaching business on your own.

You put in a lot of effort, learned lessons, and invested money but didn't get a return on your investments.

The problem here is that you tried to do it alone.

Give yourself one more chance.

Our team will make the most difficult work easier for you.
It is for you if you are
Reach a greater audience by delegating a part of your work to us
Coaches and consulters
Monetize your popularity and share your knowledge with your followers without thinking about technical stuff
Bloggers and influencers
Grow your business, take control over processes and maximize your revenue with zero headache
Experts and content creators
  • Audit of your current situation
  • Strategy for your successful launch
  • Train you to sell at your coaching calls or webinars
What we will do together
  • Market and competitor research - Build a sales funnel
  • All technical setup
  • Prepare and run an Ads campaign
What we will do for you
  • Conduct customer development calls with your audience
  • Create content according to guidelines
  • Collect feedback from your clients
  • Record one free lesson
  • Sell to your audience when everything is ready
What you will on your side
Book a Growth Session
Meet your instructor - Alex Key
  • I have been in the online-business since 2009
  • I have built a 7-figure online academy, which let me visit 54 countries over 5 years
  • More than 45 coaches and consultants have became millionaires using my system
  • My 4 KEYS METHOD gives you the know-how to work with VIP clients and helps close high-ticket sales and super-ticket sales
  • I taught my assistant my GAP 2.0 sales formula. He used the system for three weeks and closed a $100k consulting deal using only one messenger app and zero sales funnels
  • I live in Florida, happy father and husky friend
Book a Call
Denny 28
In 2010 I had a small online store and no money to hire employees, so I used to go to the post office to send customer parcels. That is where I met Alex. We got to talking and he gave me a couple of pieces of advice that really impacted me. Soon I realized that I needed more and decided to join his coaching program.
Alex helped me to create a brand new strategy that worked. Our company transformed into a turnkey online store, and included the cool "auction" feature that allows us to host a live workshop. This resulted in the highest bid sale for our webinar at $13,000.
More than $103,000 in sales
Iren N
I launched a women's club, "Want to Fly", where it was my responsibility to instill the belief in my clients of their unlimited potential. It was Alex who helped me realize my power of inspiring people. What I do is revealing the potential of women: I help them to heighten their self-esteem, sexual energy, "dreaming out", and other commonly wished-for things. I conduct training myself and successfully market for other authors. Soon I made enough money to buy a couple of apartments, travel despite any fluctuations in rates, and not give up on my clients' plans. Alex taught me to not be afraid of reaching for my future.
$53,000 in sales. Now Im living my dream on Bali
Ksenia I
I am from Ukraine, a country where a salary of $3000 per year is a lot of money. Before coming to Alex's coaching program, I worked a lot on myself through training in spiritual practices. During the program Alex inspired me to change my sphere and focused on writing copy, collecting leads, and closing sales. I was able to turn this into a full-time digital marketing role. I applied the necessary technology to optimize my processes, and thanks to Alex and was able to apply it flawlessly. Thanks to his coaching program, I experienced the biggest change in my life with a sharp increase in income. Then, good things followed including a trip to Thailand with the team and Alex himself. My life changer forever and I have Alex to thank.
From $3,000 a year to $150,000 offering spiritual workshops
Max J
I used to be the most shy person you can ever imagine. I came to the coaching program and Alex asked me to tell the audience about my goal. So that you understand, I was very modestly dressed, obviously not confident, but I started saying that I will inspire other people. And at this very moment, nobody believed me but Alex.
To a young 19 year old, my focus was naturally focused on intimacy and finding a partner. I found an author specializing in Taoist practices, partnered with him, and began selling online courses successfully.
I took what I learned from my first venture and applied it to a new course around destinations. I was able to turn this launch into $60,000 in just 4 weeks.
$60,000 launch in 4 weeks with ZERO expertise
Susie A
I was always very passionate about nutricology. Yes, 99% of people do not understand the meaning of the word. But I realized that I need to create a project in the health niche that people would be passionate about, and my clients understand that it is nutricology that will help them solve the issues of both beauty and a strong body.
Before getting into Alex's coaching, I wrote to him that I had no work, there was no money, but I wanted to get his coaching. And you know what? I took a leap of faith and bought the coaching and made the right investment.
Alex helped me to master premium niches where people are the most solvent. Many entrepreneurs, in pursuit of money for example, often spoil their health and then spend their earnings trying to restore it.
Now I can say that thanks to Alex's professionalism. I rightfully have taken control of my niche.

$32,000 in 2 months
Olivia K
After a divorce, I relocated to Italy at a fresh start that reflected my lifestyle.
When I decided to buy Alex's coaching I was really determined to become a professional but, in reality, had no skills and strategy. He said to me, "you look like a fairy", and little did I know it was a million dollar idea!
I conducted webinars for women on the topic of "how to become a money fairy", and, frankly speaking, sell for astronomical sums.
Alex says that what he liked about working with me was my willingness to work. I started learning from beginner level and worked up to masters level. I now believe the skills he taught me is invaluable - I learned to be ready to develop myself in whatever way to achieve my goals. This understanding helped me to absorb all priceless knowledge that Alex gave me during the coaching.

I become a "Money Fairy" and earn $54,000
Max T
I heard about Alex a lot but never thought about buying his coaching. I felt it was a waste of money for me, til one day when I realized something. I was in Thailand and saw his post from the same beach. I DM'd him on Facebook and wrote: "Hi! We are also in Thailand, there are a couple of questions on info- marketing, can we meet?" He immediately threw me a link to coaching, but I did not take it seriously.
When we finally met, I still did not want to go into coaching. But we talked for an hour, and during this life-changing conversation I understood the value of working with Alex. He is a professional. I went abruptly from classic financial literacy training sessions to an interesting game format and was able to turn the $10,000 spent on Alex's training into $ 120,000 for 4 months.
To begin with, we organized a high-quality online conference called "Smart Investments", which, against the background of all those made "on the knee", stood out with a number of chips. It attracted interesting experts, and it gave a powerful resource right at the start. But the biggest result was given through the skill of selling presentations during live training, which I learned from Alex's coaching. I definitely made the right investment. Today, we are the biggest personal finances online school in Eastern Europe with 8 figure revenue.

We built biggest personal finances online school in Eastern Europe
William S
When I first came to Alex's seminar came up to him at the end and said: "I WANT MORE!". Then he answered: "Such a greed for results is always rewarded". Under Alex's mentorship I took on the role of a funnel builder and launch manager. I clearly followed the plan that Alex had prescribed for me, which as he later said took him exactly 2 hours to produce. And I had 1.5 months to implement this plan. I managed to earn $500,000. In a competitive niche where there is a lot of supply, I believe you should still take your chance to work with Alex and succeed.
$500,000 in 1.5 months
Don't miss this opportunity -
book a Free Growth Session today and launch your coaching business
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